Montag, 3. Mai 2010

Have you read Sein und Zeit?

2 Kommentare:

Ulfonso hat gesagt…

Oh man, this is really asskickin' fuckin' funny!!! You should put this on some we're-so-much-into-philosophy-we-don't-even-have-time-to-think-about-it page. GREAT

shane hat gesagt…

Hey Ulf, just so you know: I didn't make this one. It was made, if I understand correctly, by a philosophy grad student in the UK, and it's been posted on a number of philosophy blogs over the past week or two.

I put together the "Meno" clip as an experiment (cut & paste the text from the Web, just began looking at what you can do, but definitely didn't put any time into it). At some point, I'd like to use the software for something (halfway) serious...

See ya
